
The State of Social

What’s Inside

The State of Social report is VidMob’s second annual study that examines how people think about and interact with media across the social and digital landscape. This report examines how and where people choose to consume content and their frame of mind in different social situations— feed, stories, messaging and beyond. Understanding these mindsets and contexts helps marketers build better content and utilize creative data to drive more effective cross-channel performance. Some highlights:

  • There’s been a massive generational shift away from static content consumption to video.
  • Time spent consuming social video far outpaces linear TV and streaming services.
  • Social media apps have become the entry point to the web.
  • Personalization wins but in very different ways than marketers are accustomed to.

This report is brimming with actionable stats that can help brands maximize digital campaign performance. Download the full report here for free.

VidMob produced the study via a two-part online survey conducted in May and October of 2019. Over 3,000 people ages 16-45 participated in the first wave, and 1,000 respondents ages 13-45 participated in the second wave.