How Child Legacy International Is Using Video to Save Lives




Pre and Post-Natal Family Care Packages

3 Step

Free Support Program for Mothers

UNSDG 5: Gender equality and empower all women and girls

“The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. ” – United Nations

The Cause

Child Legacy International (CLI) is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to building and supporting sustainable communities across sub-Saharan Africa, including expectant mothers in Malawi. They grant mothers access to affordable healthcare services, clean water, energy, farming resources, and education.

In a country where one in every 29 women dies from pregnancy, or from childbirth complications, CLI’s health services can often mark the difference between life and death.

“How am I going to connect with my donors in the US? What should I do? I have no plan B. I’ve never needed one…” 

– Jeff Rogers, co-Founder + CEO, Child Legacy International

In March 2020, and for the first time in the organization’s 30 year history, CLI faced a unique and critical challenge. International travel restrictions tied to COVID-19 prevented co-Founder and CEO, Jeff Rogers, from making his annual fundraising trip to the US.

In search of guidance, CLI reached out to VidMob, and VidMob Gives, for help.

Our Partnership

VidMob offered Jeff and his team guidance about how to manage his fundraising remotely, granting access to VidMob’s tailored Creative Intelligence tool to support the nonprofit’s marketing efforts.

Using his iPhone on site in Malawi, Jeff Rogers shot and uploaded four videos — and one strong Call to Action — to VidMob’s Agile Creative Studio. He then collaborated with a team of creators to produce CLI’s first-ever virtual fundraising assets: a long- and short-form video.

Positioned as a “Call for Help,” the videos include an authentic and heartfelt plea from Jeff Rogers to CLI supporters to help him overcome the challenges of 2020. They also feature evidence of the nonprofit’s social impact across sub-Saharan Africa to date, providing transparency on the impact of donations in funding specific projects.

By connecting the dots between donations and end results, supporters can see the positive impact of their goodwill on the CLI community — yet another incentive to pledge support.

The Result

Jeff Rogers’ impassioned storytelling and the new marketing assets helped CLI raise funds online in just 48 hours: record time for a single email blast.

Released in May on #GivingTuesdayNow across Facebook, YouTube and over email targeted at their sustaining donor list, the video not only helped to raise vital funds, but also drove high volumes of new email signups as supporters shared the video with their communities.

Thanks to their powerful storytelling and successful fundraising, CLI was able to provide 30 Malawian women and their children free access to:

  • Full prenatal coverage: 4 appointments during pregnancy, including ultrasounds, health monitoring, relevant medical supplies, and resources for mosquito prevention.
  • Safe labor and delivery facilities at CLI Hospital: Hygienic surroundings, nutritious food, trained medical professionals, emergency supplies and related services, as well as medical observation for at least 24 hours after delivery.
  • A critical follow-up appointment: 1 week after birth. Services included medical exams and access to full healthcare coverage, including maternal counseling and coaching services.

Going forward, the nonprofit’s work will continue to safeguard the welfare of families in sub-Saharan Africa, with the ultimate goal of eliminating poverty for good.

“Amidst stressful, unforeseen circumstances and overall uncertainty about the year ahead, VidMob enabled Child Legacy to stay in the minds and hearts of our supporter family, to remotely raise funds and to expand our network’s reach.”

Jeff Rogers

Co-founder & CEO, Child Legacy International

The Creator Network

The VidMob Foundation is fueled by the active engagement of incredible freelance creative professionals on the VidMob platform. They’re some of the world’s most talented creators, and, time and again, have willingly dived in to offer their time and skills for charities around the world. No matter the size of the ask, or the significance of the cause, these creators believe in using creativity as a force for good, just as we do.

Adam Hiebeler

Adam Hiebeler

Creative Director

Yuri Santos

Yuri Santos
